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The SCAG 2016-2040 Regional Transportation Plan/Sustainable Communities Strategy anticipates a significant amount of new housing, population and employment growth to occur in areas which feature frequent transit service or major transit stations, or High Quality Transit Areas (HQTAs). To implement this vision, SCAG selected Gruen Associates to lead the HQTA Pilot Project, which developed vision plans for six half-mile station areas in jurisdictions across the SCAG region: Riverside, El Monte, Oxnard, Santa Clarita, San Bernardino, and San Clemente. Gruen prepared also prepared a TOD Toolkit with sample infrastructure, building types, and development projects drawn from a number of precedents throughout California and the United States.

Kamille conducted GIS-based existing conditions analyses and community outreach and synthesized key takeaways in graphically rich vision plans for 6 half-mile station areas. The vision plans proposed targeted TOD and public realm infrastructure projects, supported by the key takeaways. For each vision plan she developed 3D models and infographics for development buildout scenarios, streetscape improvements, and other proposed public amenities.